Sunday, November 3, 2013

Three Cons!

I just realized that between the last time I posted and now, I've been to three cons. THREE! First was Blurriecon, a local first-year that was thrown together in a matter of weeks, so it was a little chaotic, but a whole bunch of fun c: Second was Tsubasacon, a 10th-year con in West Virginia(so far!) that I got convinced to go to. It was SO much fun-- I swear over half of everyone was in costume, and my artist friends broke their records for con sales :D They even had the mayor on video welcoming everyone to the convention and proclaiming the convention open with a "May the Force be with you" and pulling out a lightsaber XD The third was N.E. Geek Expo, a short drive from home. Geek Expo was probably the best in "bang for your buck"-- it only cost $5 to get in the door, and despite buying a bottle of water, a hot dog, and two muffins, I only spent $4 on food c: Photos are to follow, although they are few.

I don't have hardly enough pictures; mainly because my phone is my camera at the moment, and it's not a happy camper unless you give it a full 3-count of the person standing relatively still :c I wish I was in costume, but with moving back from college and getting a job, I've been pretty busy, and can't even locate a full getup right now >.>" ... Not to mention those three wigs I had TT-TT.

But, on to costumes! I know I mentioned in an earlier post about the outfits I want to finish/ am working on right now... But that list is going to change a LOT. I've been invited into at least four more costume groups, and I'm not sure which ones I'll join(if any!) but this really shakes up my year... I'm going to put a somewhat revised costume list here (still tentative!) eventually, in hopes of giving myself the motivation to finish some of them! (too lazy right now.. had Benadryl... unconsciousness calls to me...)